Interior Cost Calculator

Helping you visualize your dream space and estimate your project costs in real-time.

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Cost Esimator Tool (#16)

Quality Standard Calculation [Hidden]

Quality Premium/Artisan/Royalty (PAL) Calculation  [Hidden]

Your Design & Build Cost Estimation

Item BreakdownsCost Breakdowns
[54%] Material Purchase Fees:RM -RM
[7%] Drawing Fees:RM - RM
[28%] Renovation Fees:RM - RM
[2%] Transportation Fees:RM - RM
[9%] Company Fees:RM - RM
Total Estimated CostsRM - RM


Your Design & Build Cost Estimation

Item BreakdownsCost Breakdowns
[54%] Material Purchase Fees:RM -RM
[7%] Drawing Fees:RM - RM
[28%] Renovation Fees:RM - RM
[2%] Transportation Fees:RM - RM
[9%] Company Fees:RM - RM
Total Estimated CostsRM - RM


Included Features

  • Built-in Furniture: Our homes come equipped with custom-made carpentry such as cabinets, shelves, wardrobes, and more;
  • Walls: Our walls are designed to impress with elegant finishes such as wainscoting, paint, wallpaper, mirrors, and feature walls;
  • Plaster Ceiling and Lighting: Our homes feature beautifully crafted plaster ceilings and modern lighting fixtures.

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Interior Design Cost Calculator Malaysia

Our AI powered interior cost calculator is the first we built in Malaysia. You can leverage our “Interior Design Cost Calculator Malaysia” tool to seamlessly estimate the expenses for your interior projects. This intuitive and precise tool helps you plan your budget by providing detailed cost breakdowns with just a few clicks. Ideal for anyone embarking on an interior design venture in Malaysia, it simplifies the financial planning process, ensuring you can focus more on the creative aspects of your project. Utilize our renovation cost calculator malaysia now

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